I've always intended to get in shape, but I've never had the perseverance and pain capacity. My sister is a runner and has dealt with a ton of physical pain in her life, and she is always telling me to suck it up and go. I never do.
It takes inner strength and force of will to develop the outer strength.
I've always loved skiing and ice-skating, but those are kind of expensive, especially the skiing even though the outdoor program at my school is fantastic and I'd easily be able to go if I found the time and money. I need to find a way to do those kinds of things more often.
But that isn't the only way. I know this because of fitocracy: I could easily do yoga and pushups and situps and calf extensions without a single penny dropped. And I'd level up a bunch if I did those every day. The trick is getting myself started. Thanks to Fehu, I already have. Now it's a matter of maintaining things and doing them consistently.
There is another side to all this, and that is the fact that I am a singer, and my vocal folds are a muscle just like all the other things in your body that you work out and keep in shape. It takes daily practice to keep that muscle in shape, too, and I'm often terrible about keeping up with regular practicing. That'll take strength, too.
I think I'll put a horseshoe shape over my door. I can't do a real horseshoe 'cause I live in a dorm, but I could cut out a little paper one and draw on it then hang it over my doorway. That would be nice.
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