Monday, September 19, 2011


This is it.

Number one, beginnings, all that... stuff.

I need somewhere to start.  I also need to make some money so that have have something to start with.

Part 1, Step 1: Get a job
Step 2: Earn money
Step 3: Pay back my parents
Step 4: Do things I want to do

Part 2, Step 1: Put things up on Etsy
Step 2: Play ukulele on street corners
Step 3: Earn teh munnies.

Money can cause so many problems. I know it was partly responsible for splitting my family up. It's definitely partly responsible for making my relationship with my mom so stressful. But can I say that it's money's fault? No, it's probably mine. Well, not the first part about the family, I couldn't exactly stop my parents from hating each other. But me and my mom could definitely be closer and better off if I didn't do things and say things to push myself away. I really like being away, being at college, having my own life, but I always know I'm dependent on her.  I'm like this invisible burden that weighs her down even though she never gets to see me and I'm not around to do dishes or cook for her.

You can't blame things on inanimate objects or even inanimate resources.  But still, wealth eludes me.  I'm terrible at managing my time, so I never end up following up soon enough to get what I need or want.

Yet I have plenty of sell-able skills and crafts.  Like I mentioned before, I can street perform and sell things on etsy. That just isn't enough.  And I don't manage my time, so I don't get around to putting myself out there. HAH.  Don't get around to it? I want to slap myself upside the head! "Get yourself the fuck off of facebook and DO YOUR HOMEWORK," I tell myself.  "Actually go DO the things you NEED to do." Then what happens? One game of Settlers of Catan won't hurt. Six hours later, after games, late night walks, and fun reading, nothing matters anymore. I've already missed what I needed to do. I let myself down right from the beginning.

It's time to fix these things.

That's what I'm here for.  Beginning a new set of habits.  Getting things done.  Transforming.

No big deal.  This should be nice and easy.

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